20 tips and tricks to improve the SEO of your videos

How to improve the SEO of your YouTube channel

What happens if you create a great video, cool and fun but nobody sees it? Today we want to tell you 20 important guidelines to maximize the SEO visibility of your videos, with the opinions that various experts have contributed to CIO.

·        Quality content enhances your videos' SEO: Toby Besieger, general director of website design and SEO consultancy for Tigers, means that "the video must be relevant to the keywords linked and useful to your audience." A bad video will not be classified in Google, since it will have negative indicators such as a low time of permanence in the site and a high rate of rebound.

·        Attracts viewers from the first second: In multimedia content, it is important to achieve the desired engagement. If the first few seconds are powerful, viewers do not leave, according to Zohar Babin "search engines begin to rank the lowest content when they see that a substantial number of viewers are clicking but quickly leave the place."

·        How-to, tutorials and product reviews are ideal for SEO video: These videos bring great value to viewers, engaging them completely and engaging them in sharing the video on their social networks. The formats that tell how to use a product or synthesize its advantages are very useful and start from a very appealing approach for the user.

·        YouTube, always: It is an absolute sin that your video is not uploaded to the most popular streaming platform in the world.  For this reason, all SEO experts recommend posting the video on YouTube and also embed it on your own website or blog. In the YouTube description, they should be taken to the web and include the main keywords. Remember that YouTube domain has a very high authority.

·        Define what you want your video to achieve: Set realistic expectations and clear goals for your video - number of visits, conversion, subscribers, certain call to action -. Your video may want to encourage attendance at an event, want to improve web traffic or promote an online course. Always mark your goal in advance.


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